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LIC’s Jeevan Tarun Plan

LIC’s Jeevan Tarun Plan

LIC’s Jeevan Tarun is a participating, non linked endowment plan. This conventional plan comes with the option of limited pay for children who are up to the age group of 12 years. LIC’s Jeevan Tarun not only offers protection but also provides a saving component for the child’s future financial needs.

In today’s time when education costs are at an all-time high, planning the children’s higher education, professional training and their wedding may often seem like a herculean task. The aim of building this plan is to help parents save money in order to provide a bright future to their child. The growing financial requirements of a child can be met as LIC’s Jeevan Tarun Plan provides yearly survival benefits between the age of 20 to 24 of the insured child. The maturity benefit at the age of 25 can also really help the family.

Features of LIC’s Jeevan Tarun Plan

  • LIC’s Jeevan Tarun is a children’s plan that offers dual benefits of protection as well as savings
  • The plan matures when the child reaches the age of 25 years
  • There is an option to choose from 4 survival benefits
  • For a child up to 12 years age his parents, as well as his grandparents can purchase the plan
  • Risk commencement:
    • For children under 8 years of age, the risk of commencement begins after the plan completes two years
    • For children above 8 years of age, the risk cover begins as soon as the plan is bought

LIC’s Jeevan Tarun Plan – Product Description

Entry Age90 days12 years
Maturity Age of Child25 years
Maturity Age of ProposerNo limit. Except in case of Premium Waiver Benefit.
Policy Term25-entry age of child
Premium Paying Term820
Sum AssuredINR 75,000No Limit

LIC’s Jeevan Tarun Plan – Premium Details

Here are the details of the premium amount.

Age at Entry5 years
Mode of Premium paymentYearly
Premium Paying Term20 years
Basic Sum AssuredINR 1 lakh
Policy Term20 years
Amount of Annualised PremiumINR 6375/-

Benefits of LIC’s Jeevan Tarun Plan

  • Death Benefit
    If the insured individual dies within the policy tenure, the nominee would receive
    • Before the commencement of risk on the life of the insured
      All premiums paid till the date of death, excluding additional premiums and taxes, would be paid as Death Benefit and the policy would be terminated. The Basic Sum Assured would not be payable since the risk on the life of the assured had not yet commenced!
    • After the commencement of risk on the life of the insured
      The death benefit and the policy would be terminated.

Death Benefit = Sum Assured on Death + accrued Simple Reversionary Bonus + Final Additional Bonus if any.

Where Sum Assured on Death is the higher of

  • 10 X the Annualised Premium
  • 125% of the Sum Assured which is chosen at the commencement of the policy

Subject to a minimum of 105% of the premiums that have been paid.

  • Survival Benefit
    If the insured lives until the policy term, then a pre-defined schedule of payment would be received on every policy anniversary after the child is 20 years of age. This policy has been designed to meet the financial requirements of the child’s higher education expenses.

    The policyholder can select any of the 4 options, given below, at the time of purchasing the policy. Thereafter, the option will be made a part of the plan contract and making any changes will not be allowed.
OptionSurvival Benefit
Option 1No Survival Benefit
Option 25% of Sum Assured every year for 5 years
Option 310% of Sum Assured every year for 5 years
Option 415% of Sum Assured every year for 5 years

Depending on the Survival Option chosen, the Maturity Benefit is given.

  • Maturity Benefit
    When the insured individual outlives the specified age of maturity, he receives a pre-decided percentage of sum assured, if the policy is active. Along with the maturity benefit, vested Reversionary Bonus and Final Additional Bonus is also paid at the time of policy maturity.
OptionMaturity Benefit
Option 1100% of Sum Assured
Option 275% of Sum Assured
Option 350% of Sum Assured
Option 425% of Sum Assured

Survival and Maturity Benefit Schedule

Survival Option SelectedSurvival Benefit paidMaturity Benefit received
Option 1No Survival Benefit100% of the Sum Assured + accrued Simple Reversionary Bonus + Final Additional Bonus
 Age 20 = 5% of the Sum Assured 
 Age 21 = 5% of the Sum Assured 
Option 2Age 22 = 5% of the Sum AssuredAge 25 = Remaining 75% of the Sum Assured + accrued Simple Reversionary Bonus + Final Additional Bonus
 Age 23 = 5% of the Sum Assured 
 Age 24 = 5% of the Sum Assured 
 Age 20 = 10% of the Sum Assured 
 Age 21 = 10% of the Sum Assured 
Option 3Age 22 = 10% of the Sum AssuredAge 25= Remaining 50% of the Sum Assured + accrued Simple Reversionary Bonus + Final Additional Bonus
 Age 23 = 10% of the Sum Assured 
 Age 24 = 10% of the Sum Assured 
 Age 20 = 15% of the Sum Assured 
 Age 21 = 15% of the Sum Assured 
Option 4Age 22 = 15% of the Sum AssuredAge 25 = Remaining 25% of the Sum Assured + accrued Simple Reversionary Bonus + Final Additional Bonus
 Age 23 = 15% of the Sum Assured 
 Age 24 = 15% of the Sum Assured 
  • Participation in Profits
    LIC’s Jeevan Tarun participates in the profits of the Corporation, therefore the policy holder receives the Simple Reversionary Bonus and may also receive a final additional bonus. This amount is received when the claim for death benefit or maturity benefit is made and the policy is active.
  • LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider
    LIC’s Jeevan Tarun Plan also offers LIC’s Premier Waiver Benefit Rider. The Rider is available for the proposer.
  • Rider Benefits
    Under the Premium Waiver benefit Rider, if the proposer dies within the policy tenure, the premiums due after the date of death till the end of the policy tenure would be waived off but the policy would continue to pay the benefits as per schedule.
  • Tax Benefits
    The premiums that are paid, irrespective of the payment frequency, are tax-free, under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Also, for the Death Benefit as well as the Maturity Benefit that is received, the policyholder does not have to pay any taxes as they are tax-free under Section 10 (10 D).

Sample Premium LIC Jeevan Tarun Plan :

Here are the details of the premium amount for the following particulars :

Sample premium rates

Age at EntryOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
0 years44.80/INR 1000 Sum Assured45.80/INR 1000 Sum Assured46.80/INR 1000 Sum Assured47.80/INR 1000 Sum Assured
4 years55.95/INR 1000 Sum Assured57.50/INR 1000 Sum Assured59.00/INR 1000 Sum Assured60.55/INR 1000 Sum Assured
8 years75.65/INR 1000 Sum Assured78.00/INR 1000 Sum Assured80.40/INR 1000 Sum Assured82.75/INR 1000 Sum Assured
12 years112.70/INR 1000 Sum Assured116.65/INR 1000 Sum Assured120.60/INR 1000 Sum Assured124.60/INR 1000 Sum Assured

Rebates and Discounts : This policy offers a rebate in premium for Annual and Semi-Annual modes and a discount in premium for high sum assured.

Mode Rebate

Annual Mode2% of Tabular premium
Half-yearly Mode1% of Tabular premium
Quarterly and MonthlyNIL

High Sum Assured Discount

Sum AssuredDiscount
INR 75,000 to INR 1,90,000NIL
INR 2,00,000 to INR 4,90,0002/1000 of Basic Sum Assured
INR 5,00,000 and above3/1000 of Basic Sum Assured

Premium Calculation
So, the premium for a 4-year-old child can be calculated as:

Age at Entry4 years
Option Selected2, i.e. 5% of Survival Benefit
Mode of Premium paymentYearly
Policy Tenure21 years (25 – Age at entry of the child)
Premium Paying Term16 years (20 – Age at entry of the child)
Basic Sum AssuredINR 1 lakh
Premium Factor57.50
Premium calculation57.5/1000*100000= 5750
Amount of Annualised PremiumINR 5635.00 (after all the discounts and rebates) + taxes

Other Important Features of LIC’s Jeevan Tarun Plan

Surrender Benefit
The policy has a Guaranteed Surrender Value when at least 3 years’ annual premium has been duly paid and the policy gets a paid-up value.
Guaranteed Surrender Value = % of Total Premium Paid till the date of Surrender

Revival Of Lapsed Policy
Non-payment of premium can lead to a lapsed insurance policy. If the due payment is not paid even during the grace period then the policy will lapse. However, LIC provides the policyholder with an option to receive the policy during its lifetime but within 2 subsequent years from the first unpaid premium date. The right to accept the original terms of the policy remain with LIC.

Free Look Period
The free-look period helps the new customers a period of 15 days to decide if the plan suits their requirements. Stating the reason of objection the policy may be returned within 15 days of buying the policy. Once the request is received, LIC will cancel the policy and the Premium Amount minus the Expenses Incurred will be returned.

Once the policy reaches its third anniversary a loan can be availed. The loan however, has to be as per the surrender value that has been accumulated. The rate of interest, as well as other terms and conditions, are declared by LIC itself.

The plans that have a premium paying tenure of fewer than 10 years, and the policyholder has paid less than 2 years’ due premium, the policy will be terminated. In case of plans with more than 10 years of premium paying tenure, if less than 3 years premium is paid, then after the grace period is over the plan would be terminated. No amount will be payable to the policyholder after this.


LIC’s Jeevan Tarun is an endowment plan aimed at securing the future of a child by saving for his education and career needs. The flexibility the plan offers makes it very convenient for different customers who have different plans for their children. The bonuses, as well as the Waiver Benefit rider, make the plan an excellent choice when planning to invest in a child benefit plan.

In case the insured individual is below 8 years of age, the risk under LIC’s New Children’s Money Back Plan will start a day before the plan completes 2 years or a day before the plan anniversary that follows the 8th birthday of the insured, whichever date is earlier.

Yes, if your plan is active and you have paid all your premiums regularly, you are eligible for a loan. The loan will be in accordance with the surrender value that has been accumulated.

You must revive your plan within two years of the first unpaid premium date. LIC reserves its rights to reinstate the same terms and conditions at the time of revival.

At the time of buying the policy, the policy holder can select a frequency that is convenient to him. It can be on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis.

Yes, two policies can be bought.

Yes, you can purchase the plan. However, you will have to submit an Ancestral Proof, when buying the plan.

Yes. The premiums that you pay, irrespective of the payment frequency, are tax-free, under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Also, for the Death Benefit as well as the Maturity Benefit that you receive, you do not have to pay any taxes as they are tax-free under Section 10 (10 D).

Generally, maternal relatives cannot be the proposer. Also, the maximum age for availing Premium Waiver Benefit is 55 years.

Log on to the official website, and with the help of the Premium calculator, you can calculate the exact amount of premium depending upon the other conditions that you select.

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